Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Got a Key !
In recent times, I met two types of youth. I found something significant in both of them, and now I know one more great deal of life.
I met Mr. Sleep, on a train journey from Kerala to Bhopal. I named him Mr. Sleep because most of the time he was sleeping during the journey, and every time he went to sleep, he used to call me too, to our respective berths of course. Let me make the picture clearer, we both had upper berths. Now I never understood then, ‘why the hell is he poking me to go and sleep??’
We had our dinner by 8 ‘o clock in the night, and then I was sitting next to him. Wait, while he wasn’t sleeping. He started talking, well to be precise; ‘asking’. All those introductory questions, and then suddenly I asked same question back. If I try to put it all in a good story, so here it is:
A cool morning in the farm lands of Andhra Pradesh, and there were teenagers enjoying the local cricket match. One of those fielders was our Mr. Sleep. It was the last over and the team at the batting end needed 5 runs to win. All lads were sweating with tension on the contrary to the present atmosphere. A shouting sound from afar, ‘I am going to be a Sipahi (Hindi translation of Soldier)’ distracted our Mr. Sleep. After the match he went to this over excited shouting guy, and asked ‘man how did you get through, is there any exam or what?’ The guy told, ‘there is an army camp in some village 600 km far away’. They are recruiting soldiers based on physical and written test. Next recruitment is 3 months later. Our dreamer went to home and thought about this army thing the whole night. At last he decided, ‘ok I am the only child of my parents and I got to give them and myself a beautiful future’. Next morning he sold his bicycle for 500 bucks because he didn’t even have money to reach that army camp. Then he worked hard for preparing the topics for the written exams. Finally the day came, first they were made to run 5 km in some particular time limit, and after that there was a written test, then they had a physical test too. Results were announced, out of 26,000 boys 2,000 were selected and our Mr. Sleep was a part of that league.
He was sent to Hyderabad for training, were he used the phrase ‘nichod diya’. He meant it was a real tough, hard, harsh and body breaking training in all. Now he is a ‘Nayak’ in the artillery section, and earning nearly Rs 16,000 after eight years of service. After the short term service he’ll be retired from the army and he’ll get a permanent job in the government according to his education. He told me, he had many chances to miss use his career or life, but he didn’t, for which he feels proud of himself. He saves a part of his salary and has good future plans.
Big dreams, but a small humble soul, a family saved and a satisfied life.

The second one is about a post-graduate, a Delhi resident. I call him Mr. Ego. His father is a Bank Manager, and mother is a lawyer. Last time I met this guy, he was pursuing Engineering from an elite private college. Then he completed his M.B.A from another famous private college. The point is; lakhs of rupees were spent on his education. Unfortunately due to recession getting good jobs was difficult. Anyway he was offered jobs of the range of Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 18,000. Perturbingly he refused the offers.
Now some may call it as bad luck for the latter guy, and good luck for the former one. Perhaps, wait and think a bit further. It’s not luck they had in common but opportunity. If you are living in this dynamic world, you’ve got to take risks, keeping ego, status consciousness, fantasies and laziness far away from the engaged mind. This doesn’t imply that the person has to rove around, but indeed be well aware of his destiny and aims. A youth should understand, “small steps are safer than large leaps on the uncertain grounds”.
So following the great phrase “opportunity knocks the door once”, I learned to think wisely about my decisions regarding career. That is, may be that small opportunity seeming worthless today is the key to a lot of great opportunities in future.
Actually after a long time, I understood the secret behind Mr. Sleep’s intrusion. He was telling me to sleep when I had a lot of free time because in the coming time I can’t afford to sleep, at that time I need to work hard, choose my opportunities wisely and use my talents with full efficiency to be a fruit to my family and society.

This is an article by me for 'Youth Magzine', bhopal.
See you soon... :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I am 20...!! :)

It’s like New Years was yesterday

... So quickly the time rolls. Well what I understand time is spend when you use it. These two months, January and February were damn tight. I met a lot of people, been to lot of places, ate many new dishes, worked at odd hours, did many things that I never did before.

To start my new year, a new life, we can rewind a little to 29th Dec. The day I landed Kerala after Christmas vacations in Bhopal. That day was the All Kerala strike, so I had wait at Aluvae, luckily at one uncle's house that was situated at the beautiful bank of Periyar. I even tried to catch a fish or two, but learned wasn't lucky enough. I did fishing for the first time…

My college is divided into 5 groups; 4 houses and the remaining ‘core’. Core conducts different games, and competition where these 4 houses compete to win. This includes events related to music, sports, literary events and many other arts activities. I was in the house named ‘Red Devils’. I took part in many competitions, late night practices and rehearsals, on stage performances without any preparations. Oh mayn! I enjoyed a lot, well I didn’t won any individual prizes, but got a lot of prizes in group events. All this bought me into interaction with many seniors and my batch mates. I learned many things about karnatic music too, and still learning the music culture over here. Have you listened to Prasanna? Music to hear, especially ‘peaceful part-II’. We played ‘mindstreet’, motherjane for the rock band competition. Heard the lead guitar in that, super cool ain’t it, courtesy Jo’ Paul. In all what moved me the most is the dedication of seniors, the energetic spirit they have which made the environment of college duper vibrant that 1 month. One thing they believe and now we follow, ‘being the best and inspiring the rest’.

College event was not the end, intra journey was continued to inter. We took the best from our college to other colleges, representing MEC. Won lot of prizes! It’s not just event prizes we aimed for, but also we bought the best college awards from many cultural and tech-fest.

Talking about me, I also participated in many inter college events, and bagged one First prize for ‘Jugal Bandi’, at ‘Brahma’, Adi Shankra College. First prize worth Rs 10, 000, and on dividing we got 1000 bucks each.

Not just races, Yi (Young India) chapter of my college organize an event called ‘TECHNOPRENEUR’, a stage where successful leaders of the Entrepreneur world are invited. It is a platform which enables the students to interact, know about them and get inspired by their achieved dreams. I got the opportunity to participate as a volunteer, in its sister event called ‘Sociopreneur’, a platform to search for the best Social Entrepreneur from the lot of many talented.

Our colleges Jy (Jesus Youth) group also started a new chapter, Music Ministry. It is a budding stream. We’re praying and working for it to be a success in coming days.

Experiencing these two months was particularly needed, is what I feel now.


“When I am full, I am nothing, when I am empty, I am something"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Those who know me well, have discovered a soft part of mine. Sometimes when alone, in the dark room, my mind crosses my self and go to another world, and the only thing to express my desires and feeling are through few words. Few words, that are arranged in a manner which soothes my mind, to level of satisfaction.
Secondly, I love creativity. So combining two of my beats, I am able to produce some time capture notes, which enable me to look into through diffrent perspectives of a matter and learn my growth.
Here are some of my poems. Please do read it, and tell your views about those, if time permits, and if your own will too.

Friend Of Nature
Lived on the stone,
rivers comfort the dry.
Dark in the light covers you,
open green pastures I lie.

I harm you to lesson in pain,
just hold your sight and sense the rain.
Each drop flooding the whole,
omnipotent the presence of my soul.

Ambience of air,
through the pleats of ferns.
Lost is the life,
to live a new under the sun.

Gave a secure sleep,
on that stormy night.
Under the phelgm gaint she weep,
not left her till the sight of light.

I die and live,
live for you to live.

All the pensive days and fun,
to honour you I bend.
For all that you have done,
I LOVE YOU my good friend.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Now, after a long wait of three years, I am a part of an Engineering college.
This is no cool intro for my blog! So just wait until I get something to write. Anyway I am enjoying my life, beside all complications and adjustment problems.. actually only one 'adjustment problem'.

I am right now in Kerala (God's own country). Pursuing:

Electronics and Communication Engineering

branch from,

Model Engineering College
Thrikkakara, Cochin

Do keep visiting my blog, because here I am, the only place were you'll definitely find me.